Sunday 24 June 2012


Hey guys! It's the moment we've all been waiting for!!! (well, me anyway. and Holly!) An interview with the one and only... JOY PREBLE, author of DREAMING ANASTASIA, HAUNTED, ANASTASIA FOREVER and soon to be released THE SWEET DEAD LIFE:

1) Have you always had a love of writing?

Yes. I was writing stories and poems and even plays when I was six or seven years old. In 2nd grade I wrote a Thanksgiving play (not a holiday over in England, I know!) and begged my teacher to let me perform with my friends. It was a terrible play. All the Pilgrims had the names of my friends. So there were Pilgrims named Julie and Amy, which are not exactly 1600's names. But Mrs. Bernsohn let me do it. And I've been writing ever since.

2) What inspired you to write about the Romanovs?

I have been fascinated by the tragedy of the Romanov assassination and by Anastasia's story since about 7th grade. And every few years, there'd be some other historical or fictional account -- even that cartoon movie in the 90's-- that would pique my interest again. The day I created the character of Anne (her voice came to me first), she basically popped into my imagination with this same interest. And then I decided there needed to be a hot, mysterious guy. After that, the idea that he would tell her that she was somehow linked to this Russian mystery just flowed. And the rest is history. 

3) Are your characters based on real people, and if so, who?

Like most writers, my characters are based on characteristics of many, many people. But no one in the series is an exact match for someone specific. Cause, you know, that's a good way to get sued! Or lose your friends. No sense telling your bestie that she was the basis for the crazy mermaid or the evil villain.  That said, I did name Lily the rusalka after my Aunt Lily who has passed away but who had a lot of tragedy in her life. 

4) What originally interested you in Russian folklore?

My maternal grandmother was from Russia. So I was always interested at least a little bit in the stories she told. But mostly I think it came as a side effect of my Romanov fascination. And once I started reading extensively as I was writing the DREAMING ANASTASIA series, I kept finding all these great metaphors in the Russian fairy tales. No one who goes into Baba Yaga's forest returns the same as they entered. The forest is a vehicle for change, for transformation. And for the most part, the tales all end, "And they lived as happily as they could." I LOVE this. It's so un-Disney. And so much more the way of real life.   

5) Was Dreaming Anastasia always intended to be a trilogy?

In my head, yes. And in the original proposal. But Sourcebooks acquired the series one book at a time. Mostly because when DREAMING was acquired, Sourcebooks had not even started their YA imprint yet. It was still developing. So it's been a twisty road. But unlike the Russian fairy tales, it's had a wonderfully happy ending!

6) Which Dreaming Anastasia character is most like you and why?

I always say that there are pieces of me in many characters. The part of me that wanders on wrong paths some time and appreciates 2nd chances-- well that's Ethan, and Anne, too to some extent. She resists her destiny for a long time in this series. But I actually think I'm closes to Tess -- funny and loyal and using humor to deflect in scary situations. Mostly, readers love Tess. But when they don't, I always think, well, I bet you won't like me much, either!  Tess is probably closest to my heart. But I never envisioned her as a main character. Unfortunately, she's better as the side kick.

7) Which character is your favourite and why?
See above. :)  And thank you for spelling favorite with a u!  

8) If you could be any Dreaming Anastasia character, who would you pick and why?

See above. :)   Although I have a soft spot for Baba Yaga.... But the whole eating people thing-- well, that's kind of a turn off, wouldn't you say?

9) You have an upcoming book, The Sweet Dead Life, scheduled to be released May 2013, anything you can tell us about that?

Oh how I love this book! It's coming out from Soho Press in May 14th and I can hardly wait! Basically, 14 year old Jenna is having the worst 8th grade year yet. Her mom won't get out of bed. Her dad's been gone since she was 9. Her 16 year old brother Casey tries to hold the family together by working two jobs-- difficult since he's stoned all the time. Even worse, Jenna is sick. And when Casey races her to the hospital one day in their hunk of junk Prius, well, let's just say that when the car crashes, no one is the same after that. Especially Casey. Who returns as what Jenna refers to as an A-word (not that she knows this right away) to help Jenna solve the family mystery, including who the heck has been poisoning her! TSDL takes place in Texas and it's funny and bittersweet and the most fun I've ever had writing.

10) Anything else you'd like to say?

Read ANASTASIA FOREVER when it comes out on August 7th. Hannah can tell you how good it is! 

Yes I can! That book is, in a word, legendary! (that's a quote from book 1, btw!) It truly is the best book I've ever read, equal only to it's "older sisters". And that's coming from me, I read quite a lot. Read it. Do it. Here's the book trailer:

Everyone like!!! And comment! Please? *puppy dog face* You can also find the trailers for the two earlier books on YouTube. :)

And because it's just too painful to wait until August 7th to find out what happens to Anne, Ethan, Viktor and the rest of the gang, the first three chapters are here:

Check it out! But be warned, you will be left wanting more! Until next time!


  1. Hello! Your blog is really nice! :)
    ChuchuachuaCharms? You're obsessed.

  2. Thank you! You're too kind! And yes, I know :) that's my etsy account username too, lol! xxx Hannah

    p.s. Don't forget to read the book! (sorry, obsessed with that too)

